The change in season always brings a change in routine. Clothing gets slightly heavier, food staples turn from zucchinis to squash and cabbages and things feel quieter for some reason. It's a slowing down from all the rush in summer. I welcome the chilly fall wind and the light rains. It is a great season for reflection.
Back to school days took some getting use to, with schedules filling up with (Julia's) homework, violin lessons, comic drawing classes and swimming. However, after a couple of weeks' adjustment, I'm now able slowly get back to my drawing and blogging routine again. This week, I have limited my medium to the lowly pencil. Unlike my previous pencil sketches, I've purposely kept the lines soft and light on this one. More feathery and no hard outlines. I liked the feel of the result and also liked the texture of the pencil showing. I think the style matches the mood of the subject. The boy seemed quite peaceful enough, reading his favorite book. I also like it in black and white.
Still, I couldn't help but play around with Photoshop. Adding colors in so I could do my favorite thing in "painting" - putting in the light source. :) This was a fun exercise. I think the pencil outline on the boy and the digital outline on the lamp didn't clash too much. It made it more interesting even.